Interactive: Arrests in California

This interactive tool allows you to explore arrests statewide and by county—including the demographics of those arrested, how arrest rates have changed over time, and the most common offenses. Note that various factors can contribute to changes in arrests and differences across counties, including crime rates, demographics, fiscal conditions, jail capacity, law enforcement staffing and policing, and criminal justice reforms.

Measures for Justice

A Data Portal that shows how counties are faring in three areas: Fair Process, Public Safety, and Fiscal Responsibility.

Open Justice

A transparency initiative led by the California Department of Justice that publishes criminal justice data so we can understand how we are doing, hold ourselves accountable, and improve public policy to make California safer.

Vera Institute of Justice

Vera works closely with government to build and improve justice systems that ensure fairness, promote safety, and strengthen communities. This interactive page allows the user to access data regarding incarceration in their area.

Data Dashboards: Trends in Felony Court Case Processing

The interactive dashboards below show trends in felony court case processing after Criminal Justice Realignment and highlight the impacts of Proposition 47. In 2011, Realignment shifted the responsibility for incarceration and supervision of many nonviolent felons from the state to the county level. Realignment specifically impacted sentencing and supervision for most non-serious, non-violent, and non-sexual offenses, also known as 1170(h) offenses.

Proposition 47, which passed on November 4, 2014, reduced a number of theft and drug felonies to misdemeanors. These changes altered the population of individuals sentenced and supervised by the counties, leaving county probation and the courts with the responsibility for higher severity and more complex felony cases.  The dashboards below highlight trends in felony sentencing, filings of petitions for supervision modification/revocation, and warrants for failure to appear (FTAs).