ACJRca is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so all donations are tax deductible.

Unrestricted donations go towards our general expenses and enable us to continue to share information about criminal justice issues to the widest possible audience (see details below).

We solicit donations specifically directed to assisting students in the criminal justice area to participate in our conferences (more details below).

Donations also can be directed to supporting the awards we present.

Donation Details

Unrestricted: The ACJR CA seeks to keep its conference fees as low as possible by carefully estimating costs and possible attendance, then setting fees for each conference to try to break even financially. All other operational costs are paid for out of member dues and unrestricted donations. These costs include a nominal amount of remuneration for the Executive Director, who does all the logistical work for the conferences and maintains all other correspondence and covers all Association business needs. The other operational costs involve our various information-sharing mechanisms: newsletters, web site, Facebook page, LinkedIn group, and Twitter. Recent costs have exceeded the level of revenues generated by dues, meaning that additional gifts are sought to enable the Association to continue to provide as many opportunities for discussion and interaction and networking as possible.

Student Assistance: Conference registration fees for students are kept at a nominal amount, enabling students to register without much difficulty. However, the cost of the Thursday lunch, which provides students with excellent networking opportunities, is quite high (generally $25 to $30). Donations in this range are placed into our Student Sponsorship Fund, to be used to cover student lunches for the ensuing conference.

Larger donations could be used to cover some of the travel costs for students making presentations as part of a conference panel. Note that the on-line donations page includes boxes for entering amount for Student Assistance – lunch and for Student Assistance – travel. If you are mailing a check, the memo line can specify student lunch or student travel.

 Award Support: The Association will reinstate the awarding of the Sheldon Messinger Award (see the Awards page for more details).

We hope to take over the awarding of the McGee Career Achievement Award from the American Justice Institute. We will be discussing whether to again solicit posters from students in a criminal justice area, with cash prizes awarded for the best posters.

You can also MAIL A CHECK. Print out the Donation Page, and send the completed form with your check made out to Association for Criminal Justice Research (CA). A letter thanking you and acknowledging your donation will be mailed back to you. The address is:


Fairmont Station
P.O. Box 2458
El Cerrito, CA 94530



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